Oasis is a social coding event hosted in Austin, TX

June 8, 2024 @ FUTO Headquarters

For girls and gender-diverse students

Girl Scout Registration
What Are

A hackathon is a social coding marathon where teenagers come together to build projects for a weekend and share them with the world. We welcome all high school programmers, artists, dreamers, creators to join us for 8 hours of building, exploring, and sharing.

Hack Club's Days-of-Service initiative aims to help girls and gender minorities write their first lines of code. Partnering with Girls Scouts across the nation, the DOS initiative approaches Computer Science with beginner-friendly workshops.

Our Learning
Video Game Development 👾

Join the fun with Sprig Game Engine at our hackathon. With our game console, everyone's a creator. Design, compose music, and build games using our web-based editor. Create your own unique game, and we'll send you a Sprig kit to bring it to life!

Electric Trinkets ✨

Dive into the fun of PCB design with an OnBoard Grant at our hackathon. Create your own custom circuit boards keychains and get them professionally made and delivered right to your door.

Frequently Asked
✦ Who Can Attend?

> This event is for teenagers, including Girl Scouts, and all other girls and nonbinary teenagers from the Austin area. Girl Scouts should sign up through the Girl Scouts Registration. All other teenagers interested in attending should email: marianna@hackclub.com and ask to be registered.

✦ What if I have never coded before? Can I still come?

> Of course! Our hackathon is open to all skill levels, including beginners. We'll have workshops and mentors to help you get started and support you throughout the event.

✦ What should I bring to the hackathon?

> Bring your enthusiasm, creativity, and a laptop if you have one. Don't worry if you don't have a laptop; we'll do our best to provide resources for everyone.

✦ Is there a team requirement?

> Teams are encouraged but not mandatory. You can come solo or form a team with friends. If you come solo, we'll help you find teammates with similar interests and skills during the event.

✦ I have more questions ?!

> If you have any more questions about the event, feel free to email our coordinator Nila Palmo Ram.